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Right through from October until May, the Carmarthenshire coast welcomes man’s best friend as dogs are allowed to roam freely with no boundaries or restrictions, to dog walkers.

A stroll with your dog doesn’t get much better than on Carmarthenshire’s golden, sandy beaches. We are blessed with some of the longest beaches in the UK, which, during the autumn and winter months (from 1st October to the 30th April) are open along their full length, with no boundaries or restrictions, to dog walkers. Even during the summer months, the beaches are open for business to dog walkers along much of their length. Just look out for the signs!

Carmarthenshire certainly has a lot of sand to run through, dig up and roll around see Carmarthenshire's beaches for more information.

Cefn Sidan

Wales longest beach Cefn Sidan stretches for a stunning eight miles along, the southern fringes of Carmarthenshire's coastline. With a dog free zone on just one mile of its length between May & September inclusive, dogs and their owners can still enjoy seven miles of golden sands even in the summer months. Follow (Dogs for the Beach) signs.



Seven miles of glorious sands overlooking the Gower peninsular. The Dog restrictions at Pendine Beach apply to the section between the two slipways, which still gives dogs an ample playground.

NB: Part of the seven miles of glorious sands is used by the MOD for firing Monday- Friday 08:00-16:15, and conveyed by the use of red "flags which are on display while firing is in progress. Contact Range Control to find out firing times on 01994 452310 or

Nestled between Pendine and Laugharne is the unexplored end of Pendine sands. Ginst is a great spot for dogs on leads. Like its neighbour Ginst Point is used by MOD for firing.


This golden sandy beach is a must for dog walkers and around the castle grounds, also offer some great dog friendly walking. The beach in Llansteffan has restrictions where a strip of beach is inaccessible to dogs and is clearly marked with signs.

Millennium Coastal Park

Llanelli beach situated on the 13 mile long dog friendly Millennium Coastal Park has no restrictions for dogs at any time of the year. With a range of things to do, this area is a great place to pass away the time with your dog, whether it be on the park itself or at the beach. The St Elli Bay Brasserie based at the beach front has a dog friendly café and ice cream parlour and will provide a water bowl for your dog on request.


The pretty coastal village of Ferryside looks across to Llansteffan and its commanding Norman Castle. No restrictions for dogs on this piquresque riverside beach so you can exercise your dog till its heart’s is content while you lap up the scenery.

The same as its neighbouring beach at Ferryside, St. Ishmaels is a year round dog friendly beach. 

Burry Port

There are two dog-friendly beach at Burry Port either side of the harbour. Both have beautiful sandy beaches, blue sea water, and an extraordinary views of a beautiful lighthouse and dogs are permitted on them all year round, making them popular with locals and visitors alike. Once the humans have worked up an appetite and the furry ones are totally zoomied out, the Harbour Light Tea Room and Crazy Crepes on the harbour will welcome you.


Ginst Point

Nestled in between Pendine and Laugharne is the unexplored end of Pendine Sands. Ginst is a great spot for dogs on leads. Like its neighbour Ginst Point is used by MOD for firing, Monday – Friday 08.00-16.15, and conveyed by the use of red flags which are on display while firing is in progress. Contact Range Control to find out firing times on 01994 452310 or